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Showing results for 8 apps

My Study Life
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

Age Group : College students

Handy Timetable
Age Group : College students

Class Timetable
Age Group : College students

TimeTable++ Schedule
Age Group : College students

My Classes
Age Group : College students

Age Group : College students

Age Group : College students
Editor's Pick
TimeBloc app helps students to organize their student life tasks so that they can complete them within the due date. Users can block their day into different events, create routines, incorporate schedules and get notified about schedules in the app.

New Additions
TimeBloc app helps students to organize their student life tasks so that they can complete them within the due date. Users can block their day into different events, create routines, incorporate schedules and get notified about schedules in the app.
TimeTune app helps students to stay organized and be productive. The time blocks feature helps them to schedule their activities by managing the timings in a better manner. They can also plan their upcoming schedules in the app.
My Classes
My Classes app helps students to easily manage their academic activities. They can add all their schedules, including classes, homework, tests, assignments and examinations, in the app and be later notified about it. Students can also add learning-based information.
TimeTable++ Schedule
TimeTable++ Schedule app helps students organise their study life. Users can easily add events to the timetable and swipe through the weeks to check for schedules. They can also share the timetables with others in the app
Class Timetable
Class timetable app allows students to keep track of classes and add events to their schedule. Users can check their schedule either by swiping through the entries or in the timetable, and also keep track of their homework.
Popular Apps
My Study Life
As the name suggests, My Study Life app helps students to manage their study life in an easy and efficient manner. It allows users to store all study related information, be it classes, homework or exams, and manage schedules efficiently.
Timetable is a great app that allows students to manage their school/university life efficiently. The app allows users to save timetables and school-related tasks, such as home works or assignments, classes, exams, etc. and access them through mobile devices.

Handy Timetable
Handy Timetable is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps students to manage their courses and lessons. Users can manage their school life by entering details, such as class schedules, assignments and exams, and share the same with their peers.
Class Timetable
Class timetable app allows students to keep track of classes and add events to their schedule. Users can check their schedule either by swiping through the entries or in the timetable, and also keep track of their homework.