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Showing results for 10 apps

Queen’s Beasts
Age Group : Secondary Age (12-18 years)

Auschwitz, a Tale of Wind
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

Kings & Queens: 1,000 Years of British Royal History
Age Group : Secondary Age (12-18 years)

History Quiz for Kids
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

The Vikings - History For Kids
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

GCSE History (For Schools)
Age Group : Secondary Age (12-18 years)

World War One For Kids
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

World History Events & Quiz
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)

Walking Classroom Podcasts
Age Group : Primary Age (5-11 Years)
Editor's Pick
Walking Classroom Podcasts
The Walking Classroom Podcasts covers topics of different subjects aimed at students. The app provides comes with almost 200 fun, educational podcasts for kids in grades 3–8.

New Additions
Walking Classroom Podcasts
The Walking Classroom Podcasts covers topics of different subjects aimed at students. The app provides comes with almost 200 fun, educational podcasts for kids in grades 3–8.
World History Events & Quiz
World History Events & Quiz app follows a Quick e-Book concept. Students can easily access different study materials regarding the subject and can use it to prepare for exams as well refresh their knowledge quickly.
World War One For Kids
“World War One For Kids” app provides a great learning experience to users regarding the war. Each historical section contains audio narrative summarizing the events and includes animations, interactive clues, facts, maps and charts.
GCSE History (For Schools)
GCSE/IGCSE History app was made by GCSE/IGCSE teachers for students to revise for History GCSE/IGCSE. The app covers a variety of topics and facts.
ArtifactSnatch is an interesting and fun way to learn more about Roman artifacts. The app is game based, where users are challenged with matching a picture of a Roman item with a written description.
Popular Apps
Queen’s Beasts
Queen’s Beasts app provides detailed information about the heraldry and lineage of Britain’s current monarch. The app can be used as a reference for history students or can be read just for the sake of general interest.
Auschwitz, a Tale of Wind
Auschwitz, a Tale of Wind makes explaining the holocaust to children an easier task. The app introduces the topic in the form of a story and forms the basis for parents and teachers to introduce the facts about the time and events.
Kings & Queens: 1,000 Years of British Royal History
Kings & Queens: 1,000 Years of British Royal History app combines different digital portraits of Britain’s royal family through time with well written and child-friendly descriptions. The app makes a useful source for reference and for general reading.
History Quiz for Kids
This app provides a collection of multiple choice quizzes for the history topics commonly covered by the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Twelve topics are covered each consisting of 10 questions.